Iola Refendor

A woman's attempt in capturing the beauty of life.

The Best Craze Next to Loom Bands

Recently, a new product hit the market and began selling out like hot pancakes.
Kids, teens and even adults alike can’t get enough of this new craze!
What I’m referring to are the hip loom band bracelets.
You can see them everywhere in different shapes and designs.
I for one, caught the loom band fever.

Let me tell you how.
It was an ordinary day at work when my colleague, Bev handed me a small gift wrapped in pink paper.
The gift was from her husband whom I became good friends with.
There was no special occasion nor reason for a celebration.
When I opened the parcel, lying right in the middle is my first loom band.
And from that moment on, I fell in-loom love! 🙂

You see, a loom band bracelet may be simple but the effort, creativity, passion and time poured into making a loom bracelet make it so special.
I may be a stranger to the kids who are guests at the resort yet they made loom bands for me.
I assisted a guest at the counter and upon telling him how unique his loom band is, he took it off and gave it to me.
My colleague who’s into loom weaving made three bracelets for me already.
So to this day, I have 7 loom bands that I wear simultaneously on my left hand.
All of them were given by friends and strangers alike.
I wear them all in proud fashion not just because they are the new craze but because I was touched by the kindness of these people.


And because I was so touched by their gestures, I decided to pay it forward.
I scouted for unique and colorful rubber bands and taught myself how to make a loom band.
With the help of video tutorials online, I was done with my first loom band in no time!
And from that day on, I can’t help but make one band after another after another after another.
And last night, I was done with the 3rd batch of loom bands which I’ll be giving to my friends soon.
I picked the colors carefully and tried to match the desired outcome to the personality of the person to whom I’ll be giving the loom bands.
I put my effort, creativity and heart into it.

You see, that’s the thing with kindness.
You have to give it away.
When you give it, it doesn’t stop.
It is epidemic.


And do you know what’s more amazing?
The fact that when you put kindness out into the universe, somethings happens inside of you.
That’s why the kindest people are the happiest ones.
The most generous people are the content ones.
They are not attached to worldly wealth.
They are not scared that there would be nothing left for them.
They are not distracted by the riches of others.
They are not jealous or anxious.
They are not worrisome.
They are secure in God’s generosity that can never be outdone.
They are confident knowing that when they give unselfishly, the rewards would be out of this world.

Me (middle) and my best friends wearing the loom bands that I made.

Me (middle) and my best friends wearing the loom bands that I made.

Go on, try it today.
Plant seeds of love and kindness.
Volunteer in an orphanage.
Pray for a loved one.
Give someone a sincere compliment.
Smile at a stranger.
Treat a street kid to lunch.
Encourage an office mate.
Hug a friend who is in pain.
Lend a listening ear to someone.

Are you ready? Let the kindness craze begin! 🙂


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Since I was a little girl, I imagined that my life would be like Barbie’s.

Fast forward to the present day, it’s light years away.

I don’t live in a Malibu mansion.

I don’t have a horse pet named Dancer.

I can’t randomly be an astronaut and then a paleontologist the next moment.

I don’t drive a Corvette.

I wasn’t able to achieve the totally-hair-barbie-look (with hair from the top of my head to my toes).

And lastly, I don’t have a boyfriend named Ken.

It’s funny how people would react in a bizarre way once they know that I’m still single.

They would be in a state of disbelief for a brief moment and then pop the not-so-famous question, “Why?”

You see, I am almost tempted to give them my why-I-am-still-single-speech or true-love-waits-lecture but every time, I just shrug my shoulders and say, “It’s not my priority as of this moment.”

It would be so easy to smile and walk away afterwards but more often than not, with quizzical brows and still in a state of skepticism, some curious people would ask again why.

And below you shall find the reasons as to why.

Awesome reason #1:  Service.

I began serving God when I was 6 years old.

From singing in a choir, being a lector and commentator, becoming a youth leader and a motivational speaker to writing articles, I never regretted it.

I made a pact with God.


Speaking to the youth on topics of purity and modesty.

I promised Him that I would give my youth, the first 25 years of my life solely to Him, ministering to people and winning souls for His kingdom.

I don’t want to be in my deathbed looking back at my life and wishing that during my youth, I served more, loved more and gave more to God rather than being engrossed in a relationship with a person I’m not even sure I would end up with.

Don’t get me wrong.  I salute all the couples who ended up with their high school sweethearts and made it through all the years.

What I mean is that instead of pursuing a romantic relationship at a young age, why not offer your time and talents to God?

Look around, the world needs you.


A heartwarming day of food, fun,laughter and games with these amazing street kids.

And as you do so, you will mature and in time, realize the important things that you’ll be looking for in a future spouse and in a relationship.

Don’t speed things up just because you see them everyday in the media and in your own set of friends and everything seems to be okay.

The bible clearly tells us not to arouse or awaken love until it so desires.

Wait on God’s timing as you serve Him impeccably.

I promise you, you won’t be shortchanged.

Awesome reason #2: I want to be the best version of myself.

Being single is an amazing time for self-discovery.

Don’t get me wrong, being in a relationship is awesome with the right person and in God’s right time.

The point that I want to make clear is that, you should celebrate your season of being single.

You are single now for a reason and at this particular time of your life, God wants you to focus on Him more, serve His people and above all, become the ideal person your man/girl of your dreams would marry.

Take classes on baking or self defense, learn a musical instrument, try a new sports, travel and see the world, join clubs, be more proactive in your church and community, start a blog, relocate to another city, publish a book, develop your core gifts—the possibilities are endless.

As a single person, you have two options: either you mope and wait impatiently or embrace your singleness and live life to the hilt.                                                

I go for the latter.

After all, you won’t be single for long.


Life is too short not to ride the merry-go-round.

Next time you know, you have mouths to feed, insurance to think of, bills to pay, the best college for your kids to consider, soccer games and recitals to be present at, health concerns to attend to, etc.

So when’s the best time to enjoy life?

Now!  Smack in the middle of your season of singleness and becoming the best version of yourself.

Be the best you this world has ever seen.

Awesome reason #3: I want to be my own man.

I don’t mean to offend anyone and this reason may make me look like a feminist advocate but bear with me.

I can hop on a plane and fly elsewhere without having to worry about leaving someone behind.

I can see my friends whenever I want to without checking if it would get in the way of our monthsary or movie night.


I can watch mushy movies and not to mention cry, too without having to be self-conscious about it.

I can read as many books as I can or watch as many movies as I want to without someone interrupting me with a text message or phone call.

I can choose when to jog and exercise without someone telling me to be consistent with my routine.

I can cut my hair very short and ship it as a donation for kids with cancer without consulting someone if I would still look pretty in a short ‘do.


I can watch Oprah on TV without having to switch it to a sports channel on a commercial break.

I can order a whole box of pizza or buy a tub of ice cream and eat them by myself without having to worry if someone might think I got fat.

I can go on a spontaneous road trip without asking asking someone if it’s okay.

I can organize fundraising events, visit orphanages, be with a friend in dire need and develop loving relationships with my family because my calendar is not filled with dates, Skype time, FaceTime and the little things in between that make a relationship work.

I can develop my decision making skills and practice independence because I have the best person to depend on next to God—myself!

I believe that for now, I don’t need a man to make me feel happy and complete.

I can totally embrace my womanhood and strong sense of self.

And with that, I can shamelessly shout, “Way to go, sistah!”

Awesome reason #4: I don’t want to settle.

Someone once texted me, “Will you be my girlfriend?”

I was in total shock.

So that’s it?

Having a boyfriend is that easy?

I thank God that up to this day, He allowed me to muster enough self-control and courage to say no to the almost right guys and wait for Mr. Right himself.

Oh believe me when I almost gave in to a particular suitor or this dreamlike guy whose attitude is far away from being dreamlike.

Believe me when I almost said yes to someone just because Valentine’s Day is approaching and I don’t want to be the only one left without roses or a cute teddy bear.

Believe me when I almost hanged on to every word of someone who consistently called me up every night only to find out he’s consistently calling up other girls, too.

You see, at the end of the day, I don’t want a guy who could give me flowers on a Valentine’s Day or someone I could walk around with in proud fashion because of his resemblance to Superman or someone who can call me up everyday just to check if I have eaten already.

I need someone who is on fire for Jesus and His people.

Someone whose heart is so full of love and passion for service.

Someone who is honest, mature, holy, responsible and kind.

Someone who’s willing to take a stand for God.

Is that a tall order?

For some it may be but one thing I know is that God is faithful and He shall fulfill His promise at His perfect time.

I won’t settle because I deserve the best.

And that includes you, too.


Celebrate your season.

My life may be a far cry from Barbie’s but I am thankful that I am not living in a Barbie world.

I am blessed that I am living in a reality wherein I am serving God, enjoying my single life to the hilt, being my own man, not settling and on this fabulous journey towards my real-life Ken.

And probably to avoid lashing out these 4 awesome reasons to someone who’s asking why I am still single, I can say in utmost confidence…

 “Why not?” 

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Happy To Wait

It was past 6AM and all the buses are filled already.

I was running late for in order to arrive on time for my 7AM shift, I should have been on the road 30 minutes ago.

At 6:30AM, I was feeling hopeless and desperate. I had no choice but to call my manager and inform her that I would be late for work.

After all, how on Earth could I possibly travel the usual one-hour ride to work, change into my uniform and put on makeup within the next 30 minutes?

Simply impossible.

After waiting, desperately praying and not to mention worrying, a white van appeared from nowhere and stopped in front of me.

The people who were waiting alongside me scampered towards the van. I on the other hand, rushed along, too without even asking where it is headed to.

I just thought that I need to get moving and be nearer to my workplace than wait for nothing.

I found a comfortable seat and gave thanks to God for this unexpected blessing.

I gave my fare to the driver and mentioned my usual drop off point.

To my horror of horrors, he told me that he would be taking another route and he wouldn’t be passing the place where I need to be.

So much for rushing without asking huh?

Since I’m already inside the van and I already advised my manager that I’ll be running late, I just agreed to the driver and asked him to drop me off at the nearest place to my workplace.

After all, what’s the point of hurrying? I’m late anyway.

Instead, I just relaxed in my seat and surrendered everything. I’ve long learned that nothing happens by accident and worrying won’t help.

We passed by unfamiliar routes and places that I’ve never been to.

After 15 minutes, I realized that we passed by the shortcut that would lead me to the boulevard where my workplace is a block away!

My heart jumped for joy. I couldn’t believe the fact that it just took us 15 minutes to traverse the usual one-hour trip.

I got off the van and hailed a cab. Inside, I did my make up and asked the driver to take me to the resort as fast as he could.

At exactly 6:50AM, I dashed to my locker and changed into my uniform.

I tapped in my ID at 6:57AM.

I reported for work at 6:59AM.


Nothing is impossible.

There will come a time like this in our lives wherein we are so frustrated in waiting for a miracle to happen, for our plans to unfold and for our dreams to become a reality.

We keep on begging God to give it to us now not realizing that to every question, prayer or request, God has 3 answers and these are “Yes, No or Not Now.”

God must be laughing at us getting all worried up and anxious when in fact He already prepared a glorious future for each one of us.

We ask Him why He is leading us to unknown places, meeting difficult people, experiencing exceptional trials and having spiritual dryness and thinking that He has abandoned us all along.

We believe that we are lost and God has given up on us not realizing that in waiting, we become better.

We are growing in character and faith as He stretches us to our limits.

We are becoming more patient, more humble, more forgiving, more loving, more trusting, more hopeful.

Take heart for while you are busy in becoming the best version of yourself in your season of waiting, God is cooking up something beautiful and grand.

And when the right time comes, it will be revealed and you would be amazed and breathless as you see the big picture of His marvelous master plan for your life.

David fought lions and bears and waited until he was ready to fight Goliath.

Sarah was 80 years old when she conceived a child.

Noah built the ark and waited 120 years for the rain.

Israel waited for decades in the desert before becoming reestablished as a country.

Joseph was imprisoned for three years and was promoted as Governor of Egypt when he was let out.

Moses led the Exodus at an old age.

Jesus waited until 30 to start His mission.

It may seem like nothing is happening at the present time but in the future, you’ll see everything.

Happy waiting! 😀




Kung Fu Panda Lessons

“What would you do if you are not afraid?”

That question has guided me for a long time now.

In our life, we come to a point wherein we have to move past of our comfort zone and grab that very thing which will make us happy and truly alive.

I believe that so many people are not living their dreams because they are stuck or they chose to be stuck.

They are relying on other people to decide for them.

They want to wait for the perfect moment until they are ready.

They feel hopeless.

They blame their parents, boss and even the government for the sorry state that they are in.

They accept things the way they are.

They leave everything to luck.

And the worst of all, they are just plain lazy.

Have you watched the movie Kung Fu Panda?

It’s my most favorite Dreamworks movie by far.


It can be really entertaining but the life lessons I picked up from that movie are way beyond priceless.

You see, Po who is the main lead in the movie is an energetic and adorable panda who wants nothing else in the world but to be a Kung Fu master.

Can you imagine a big, fat panda doing kung fu?

Seems impossible right but like what they say, it seems impossible until it is done.

First, Po didn’t let anybody decide for his fate not even his father who wants him to inherit the noodle shop.

Second, he didn’t wait until he was ready.  When the announcement came that the Dragon Warrior will be chosen on that day, he left everything behind—yes, even his noodle cart.  He didn’t listen to the naysayers along the way as he ascends towards the Jade Palace for the announcement.

Also, according to my research there are supposedly 1,000 steps that led up to the palace.  Po abhors taking the stairs but did that fact stop him? No.  He didn’t wait for the perfect moment.  He seized the moment and made it perfect which in turn led him to his destiny.


Third, he didn’t feel hopeless.  Although we can see at the beginning that it was almost impossible for him to be a kung fu warrior but with sheer determination and hard work plus the guidance of Master Shifu, he became a success—a true Dragon Warrior!

He may be a far cry from the furious five but the most amazing thing I learned from him was that he used his weaknesses to his advantage and that set him apart from the other warriors.

Maximize your uniqueness and let God be your master as to how you can utilize the qualities and talents He has given you to bless the world.

Fourth, Po didn’t blame anyone for his state.  He didn’t blame anyone that he looks and acts the way he does.  He didn’t feel bad that his dad wasn’t supportive of his dreams.  He didn’t get mad when the Furious Five were making fun of him.  He didn’t question Oogway for choosing him to protect the Valley of Peace from the wrath of Tai Lung.

Instead, he believed in himself and in the power of his dream. 

Fifth, he didn’t accept the way things are.  Deep down in his heart, he knows that he is destined for awesomeness and shouldn’t be making noodles for the rest of his life. 


Just like Po, I believe that God planted dreams in our hearts that in the process of achieving them, we grow in character and become the best version of ourselves.

And the best of all, he wasn’t lazy.  He trained hard, worked hard and endured every bruise, pain and broken bone. 

So my friend, stop daydreaming and start moving.

As George Eliot beautifully states, “It is never too late to become the person you were meant to be.”

Now, what would you do if you are not afraid?

Where would you want to be if no one or nothing is stopping you?

What would you choose if you have the power to become who you want to be?

Don’t be afraid for God is with you as you chase after your dreams.

Don’t give up.

Do not settle.

Believe that you can.

Create something, start somewhere, begin anywhere.

You are always entitled to a fresh start.

And just like Po, be the best you that this world has ever seen and get ready to say, “Skadoosh!”










Choose The Right Laptop

Before I wrote this article, I was originally using my brother’s laptop.

There, I started an article about real men then after two paragraphs, I got stuck.

I scrolled down to page two and started writing about waiting.

After more than 12 sentences, I closed the application.

I shut down the the laptop.

I can’t go on.

My train of thought is going nowhere.

All of my words seem to be in a jumble.

I can’t seem to pinpoint the direction of my article.

You see, it has been two months since I last updated my blog.

Since then, I haven’t written anything.

Feeling frustrated, I hit the bed and closed my eyes.

Then I asked myself, “Why am I stopping?”

I love writing and I love the people who have been blessed by my articles.

I can’t just give up!

God gave me this wonderful gift and I must use it!

Suddenly, I remembered my own laptop.

Sure, its screen is not as big as my brother’s but using that is familiar to me.

Opening the laptop which gave birth to all the articles posted here, I felt like a rock star (Haha!).

I typed my first line above and voila, words were flowing, ideas were coming!

Initially, I was having writer’s block and here I am now, typing at lightning speed!

The secret apart from God’s grace?

I went back to the essential.

I went back to what’s familiar.

I went back to what’s comfortable.

I decided to be true to myself.

Using my brother’s high-end and posh laptop didn’t suit me.

My small laptop with its small screen and small keyboard complemented me.

As I reflect on this, I call to mind the times that I haven’t been true to myself.

I remember the times wherein I believed the lies of the devil telling me that I’m not good or beautiful enough rather than heeding the Voice of God whispering that He loves me and that I am treasured and honored.

I regret the times that I wasted in wishing I was someone else and envying others thinking that they are better than me.

I recall the times I chose to hang out with the people who are so insecure of themselves that they don’t want me to shine for fear that it would make them look pale in comparison rather than being around with true friends who celebrate who I am and cheer me on as I chase after my dreams.

I bring to mind the times that I chose to live according to the standards of this world rather than living out the Truth according to His Word.

Instead of shutting down the false identity, fake notions and most especially the wrong friends, I continued to welcome and associate with them hoping that something good would result from it.

I ended up hopeless, anxious, frustrated and disappointed.

Just like using my brother’s laptop, it didn’t make me productive and excellent at all.

Using my own laptop did.

How about you?

Are you using the right “laptop” for your life?

Are you with the right set of friends who bring out the best in you?

Do you have the mindset of being a Child of God, so sure of himself and full of love?

Is your life a living testimony of grace and do you glorify God using the gifts He has given you?

Are you being Jesus to every person that you meet?

Are you running towards the right direction pursuing goals that would enrich your life and those around you?

Do you make the most out of what you currently have—time, treasure and talents?

Whenever the time comes that you feel stuck and somewhat experiencing “writer’s block”, stop and go back to the basics.

And what are those?

Faith, hope and love.

But the greatest among these is love.


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Beautiful Me

“We would really like to consider you but you seem to be on the heavy side.  Come back next time if you’ve lost some weight.”

Those were the parting words of the Human Resource officer who just interviewed me for my dream job.

Everything in me shattered.

Standing at 5 feet and 4 inches and weighing 120 pounds, I felt like the biggest loser in the world at that very moment.

By their standards, I need to be 114 lbs in order to be perfect and fit for the job.

In their eyes, I am overweight.

Yes, overweight by 6 lbs or 2.7 kilos to be exact.

You may be thinking that’s just nothing, you can lose it in a week but the damage has been done.

Words can be powerful and my biggest mistake was that I allowed those words spoken by my interviewer to define me for a period of time.

Those words felt like a knife piercing through my heart and my self-image.

After the interview, I felt inadequate.




After that incident, when somebody would ask me how I am doing, I couldn’t say I feel great or I feel fine like I used to say.

All I could come-up with in my head is that I feel fat.

Hilarious I know but when you look at the statistics of girls and teens who are struggling with weight issues, eating disorders and self-esteem, you wouldn’t be laughing afterwards.

42 percent of 1st – 3rd grade girls want to be thinner.

81% of 10 year olds are afraid of being fat.

51% of 9-10 year old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet.

Without treatment, up to 20% of people with serious eating disorders die.  With treatment, that number falls to 2 or 3 percent.

About 50% of people who have been anorexic develop bulimic patterns.

I know that I am not alone.

Even among my friends, we talk about our weight and bash our bodies with negative words.

We find the imperfections in us and focus on them.

We scramble for beauty products and even cosmetic surgery to make us feel better about ourselves.

We focus too much on the external aspect that we entirely forgot the most essential part—inner beauty.


Because we were fed with lies brought by the media, Hollywood and those supermodels which we compare ourselves to.

Like me, you have been hurt by the words and actions of the people that surround you even by those closest to you.

You have let other’s opinion take over your life.

You have let other people bully you into believing that you need to earn their love and respect by becoming someone else.

Friend, let me assure you right now that their words and actions are powerless compared to the power and love of God that is in you.

You are not defined by the worldly standards.

Your worth is not measured by how you look.

You have forgotten that the images on the magazines are airbrushed to look perfect and flawless.  So to put it simply, none of those are authentic.

You have forgotten that 98% of women are larger than the average model.

You have forgotten that a size 6 today is equal to size 12 ten years ago.

You have forgotten that there are 8 supermodels and 3 Billion regular women.

You have forgotten that if store mannequins were real, they would be too thin to have babies.

You have forgotten that if Barbie was a real woman, she would have to walk on all fours to support her body.

Above all, you and I have forgotten to listen to the Voice of Truth.

And what is the Voice of Truth telling you?

That you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139).

That you are a beautiful jewel (Ezekiel 16:7).

That you are God’s treasure (Deuteronomy 7:6).

That you are precious to God, honored and loved (Isaiah 43:4).

That you are unique and have been set apart (Jeremiah 1:5).

That you are loved with an unfailing love (Psalm 117:2).

You were bought by a price on a cross in Calvary.

You are worth dying for.

You are saved.

You are alive right now for a purpose and that is to bring glory to God.

God made you beautiful and to think otherwise would be an insult to your Creator.

When I finally heeded God’s Word and plant them in my heart, I changed.

My views about myself and others changed.

I started a healthy relationship with myself and my body.

I exercise, eat healthy food and nourish my body with rest and huge doses of laughter.

Sure there are days wherein I would feel ugly or not enough but I am a work in progress and God would always be there to reassure me of His steadfast love.

Today, when I recall that interview, I thank God that He allowed that to happen.

Because without that incident….

I wouldn’t be more cautious and sensitive with my words and actions towards others.

I wouldn’t start to accept and love everything about me.

I wouldn’t have let God in to heal and overwhelm me with His love.

I wouldn’t start listening to the Voice of Truth.

I wouldn’t start believing that I am beautiful, made in God’s own image and likeness.

So whenever self-doubt arises, I pause and listen to God’s whisper in my heart.

And He would say that I am breathtaking and perfect in His sight.

Now, who could ask for more?

Source of facts and statistics in this article: Beauty Secrets by Dr. Deborah Newman & Rachel Newman.

Be very blessed by the video above by The Anima Series.

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Team God

Have you ever been stranded because of a storm?

Last August 18, Severe Tropical Storm Maring hit the Philippines.

A lot of areas were affected by the flood.

typhoon maring
Classes were suspended and government offices were closed.

That time, I was working on a graveyard shift and when it was finally time to go home, boy, it was scary!

The winds were blowing so hard that there were no taxi cabs in the resort where I work at.

We even had our own mini-river right outside the front garden of the resort due to the heavy rainfall.

The doors of the main lobby were shut down and fog was forming on the glass doors.

Yes, living in a tropical country, fog on a glass door amazes me so much. Haha!

So where was I during the typhoon?

Stranded in a 14,000php a night room!

It was an awesome first time experience!

My generous company didn’t allow its employees to go home and offered us a complimentary hotel accommodation at the resort.

So let me share some experiences that I had during my stranded moments.

When I went to the boutique to buy some supplies, the man behind the counter said that he has been working on a double shift and might close the store any time because of the lack in manning.

When we requested for turndown service for our room, the front desk told us politely that they only have 3 personnel from the housekeeping department because no one else reported for duty because of the storm.

When my colleague went out for a smoke, he chanced upon a member of the Security department who’s been wide awake for 24 hours now because there are only 10 of them that’s been keeping an eye on the property.

When we were about to eat dinner, we noticed that only one restaurant was open and that the crew of the other restaurants came in to help because they can’t resume their own operations because of the lack of staff.

So while I was eating my yummy soup and dried noodles, I realized one amazing thing:


From the CEO and top executives down to the janitors and dish washers, every single person has a vital role to fulfill that would benefit the whole organization.

There is no role too small and insignificant.

Each person matters.

Every individual is essential.

Each team member is needed.

To keep a company running smooth, each member should play its role.

Each one should work in harmony with the other members of the department.

Each person must do his own task and deliver what is expected of him.

Otherwise, there would be chaos.

There would be lack.

There would be disarray in the operations.

Productivity will be low.

Goals would not be met.

A single vision will not be accomplished.

Do you know that right now, whether you like it or not, you are part of a team?


Just like with Team Pacquiao and Team Gilas Pilipinas, you are a part of God’s team!


And like the employees in the resort where I work at, you have a role to fulfill.

Before you were even born, God has a purpose and a mission planted in your heart.

And He wants you to fulfill them side by side with Him.

Maybe you might be wondering why you exist.

Why you were even brought to this world.

What your purpose in life is.

Friend, before you were even born, God has a purpose and a mission planted in your heart.

God has made you in His own image and likeness.

Therefore, you are a child of God.

You are powerful beyond measure.

You are fully equipped with everything you need to fulfill His purpose.

So don’t ever think that you are too small to serve God.

Don’t even dare to say that you are untalented, dull or destined to live a mediocre life!

You have talents that would bless the world.

You have a story that would inspire millions.

You have a testimony that would heal a lot of wounds.

You have a life to live that would reflect God’s grace and unbounded love.

So get out of your comfort zone and rise above mediocrity.

Maximize your talents and fuel your passion.

Let go and let God shape you into the kind of person worthy of the calling He gave you.

Play your role because at the end of the day, we get the utmost fulfillment from loving others and serving God.

So what are you waiting for?

Be a proactive member of Team God because you belong!

Find your purpose.

Discover your calling.

Get ready to be used by God and give your “Yes” to Him.

Accomplish His mission.

Fight His battles.

Win His war.

Conquer the world with His love.

And be the blessing that the world has been waiting for.

Photos from Google.

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To Do: Relocate

An amusing fact that I recently discovered:

For the past 7 years, I changed home addresses 7 times!

For real.

Bear with me as I tell you about them one by one.

My first big move was when I graduated from high school and wanted to go out of my sleepy town to pursue a College degree.

So at the age of 16 I hopped on a plane and got my first bitter-sweet taste of independence.

During my freshman year, I met fantastic friends, got to spearhead a committee, joined a beauty contest and snagged the 1st-runner up and Best in Interview Award and proved to everyone that I can do it on my own.

With my favorite girls, Ayne & Tin.

With my favorite girls, Ayne & Tin.

The BELLEZAS ARIBA of Kalayaan dormitory batch 2006-2007.

The BELLEZAS ARIBA of Kalayaan dormitory batch 2006-2007.

My college buddies--Miles, Cole, Tin & Shay.

My college buddies–Miles, Cole, Tin & Shay.

The second move took after I finished my freshman year.

Since my first dormitory is for freshmen only, I needed to find one that is intended for upper classmen.

So I chose the one with a cafeteria, spacious lobby, study rooms and a breathtaking garden in the middle of the dormitory.

It was lovely!

I made wonderful friendships and fond memories on that dormitory.

Room 102-Tina, Anne, Iola & Khaye.  These roomies are the best! :)

Room 102-Tina, Anne, Iola & Khaye. These roomies are the best! 🙂

I joined a fashion show, joined a lot of organizations and became president of one, organized my first relief operation and walking tour and got serious in developing my personal relationship with Christ.

Fashion show during the Ilang night.

Fashion show during the Ilang night.

My certificate after successfully finishing the Encounter weekend.

My certificate after successfully finishing the Encounter weekend.

UP HIMA's outreach program at the indigenous ATI tribe, dental mission and coastal clean up at Boracay.

UP HIMA’s outreach program at the indigenous ATI tribe, dental mission and coastal clean up at Boracay.

Then during summer of my Junior year, I got a job as an intern at the international airport which was worlds apart from my school.

Guess what I did?

You guessed it right, I relocated.

I had the time of my life fulfilling my duties such as doing the check-in of the passengers, being assigned at the boarding gate, assisting unaccompanied minors, having the tour of the facility and aircraft, seminars on airport security, etc.



Being able to see and interact with real flight attendants at an arm’s length was an awesome bonus.

Also, the fantastic and fun friends that I made during my internship made it all worthwhile.

After finishing my internship, I went back to the university to start on my thesis and finish my senior year with a bang.

But since my last dormitory had a curfew and a lot of extracurricular activities going on in it, I decided to leave the comforts of my lovely dormitory and chose to rent a room.

The first room was outside the university and although I had a great time there, so much time was wasted in travelling to and from school.

After a month of staying, I found a room inside the university campus, shared it with three other girls and settled there for three years.

I enjoyed my new place so much that I stayed there even after graduation.

It has this lovely hut in the garage where my friends and I hang-out all the time.

Our room's fun xmas party.

Our room’s fun xmas party.

It has a great view outside my window,too.

It’s a stone’s throw away from the university chapel, Sunken Garden and Acad Oval where I used to go jogging thrice a week.

It was heaven for me.

I get to see my friends all the time, serve in the church and became a pioneer member of a Catholic organization.

My TF--Win, Zhan, Martin & Jerillee.

My TF–Win, Zhan, Martin & Jerillee.

A promotional poster of the UP Campus Feast.

A promotional poster of the UP Campus Feast.

I felt like I never graduated since I’m still staying inside the confines of my university.

Since gone are the days where I have to rush to my classes and beat my professors’ deadlines and also the fact that almost all of my friends landed a job already, I forced myself to apply for a job as well.

I received numerous job offers and wait for it….turned them all down.

Yes, all of them.

My reasons were…

It’s not my dream job!

The pay is just average.

My gosh, I think I need to take a vacation first.

I don’t think I’m ready for the yuppies’ world.

It’s too far from my place.

The workload is too much, what will happen to my social life?

Yes, I know. The reasons were immature.

Although I wanted to land a job and earn money on my own, I dread it subconsciously.


Because accepting a job in the corporate world based in the metro or in the busiest city of the country would mean one thing: relocation.

And I never wanted to do that.

Why leave my university which has pampered me all these years?

Why leave my friends behind?

Why leave the cozy room and quiet neighborhood?

But one day, it just hit me.

I need to make a decision fast. I need to choose.

So I packed my stuff (3 suitcases, 2 huge boxes, one table and a huge stuffed toy) and set off for a one-hour drive to my uncle’s place.

I needed a place to sort things out, to clear my head, a place where I can be alone to pray, meditate and decide on what I really wanted to do with my life.

My uncle’s house sits in a quiet subdivision which is away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

My favorite flowers from the garden.

My favorite flowers from the garden.

It has two floors, a nice garden and a spacious balcony with a lovely view of the sunrise.

What’s more thrilling about it is that I have the whole house to myself.

My uncle’s family resides in Vietnam and except for an annual two-week visit, the house is practically empty all year long.

It was hard to leave everything from my former place—the friends, the comforts, the convenience.

But standing in the living room of my uncle’s empty house, I have never felt so empowered.

Bracing myself, I realized I am up for whatever life will give me.

For the next few weeks after my relocation, my routine was basically….

Clean the house



Send resumes online

Clean the house

Return company calls and confirm interviews

Go to the interview.

Clean the house


Honestly, my stay there felt like a retreat.

I learned a lot about my self—things that I thought I could and couldn’t do.

It became crystal clear to me—what I wanted to do, pursue and become.

Living on my own, I felt like an adult, a real one.

A simple breakfast which I prepared--a cup of rice, my favorite Tinapa with tomatoes, a mug of Cappuccino and sweet mangoes.

A simple breakfast which I prepared–a cup of rice, my favorite Tinapa with tomatoes, a mug of Cappuccino and sweet mangoes.

(A trivia: Because I had a lot of time on my hands and so little distractions, my stay in that beautiful house gave birth to the launching of this blog site.)

Then four months after I relocated, I got hired by the biggest and grandest 6-star integrated resort in the country.

I couldn’t believe it!

And when I finally signed the contract, I knew in my heart that this is what I’ve been waiting for all along and yes, I am so ready for it!

I got hired by October but the training will commence on January of the next year.

What to do for the remaining time?

I did what I do best—relocate.

I found a place in the city and scouted for part-time jobs which I could take while waiting for my training to commence.

That is my sixth relocation. But two weeks after, my mom decided that I should spend the remaining two months at home—relaxing and spending time with my loved ones.

When January came, I felt so energized and ready.

Two months after the start of my training, I moved from my uncle’s house to a rented room which is a fifteen-minute ride away from the resort.

And that my friend is the long and epic journey that led me to where I am right now.

Why am I telling you this?

If you have noticed above, every change of home address paved the way which led me closer to my dreams.

For starters, I wouldn’t mature, learn and be the best version of myself if I chose to stay in my little town.

I wouldn’t be where I am now if I chose to be hardheaded and ignored the buzzing sound in my soul to take those leaps of faith.

It wasn’t easy.

It wasn’t comfortable.

It wasn’t nice.

It wasn’t smooth.

Looking back, I would have never achieved and turn my dreams into a reality if I chose convenience over discomfort, fear over faith, ease over pain, mediocrity over purpose, my plans over God’s plans, my will over His will.

As one famous preacher in the name of Bo Sanchez puts it, “Everything you need is just outside your comfort zone. It’s in your courage zone.”

How about you?

Maybe you don’t need to change addresses like I did but somehow you feel stuck…

in a job which you don’t even like in the first place.

in your health which is slowly deteriorating

in your finances that doesn’t seem to grow.

in your relationships that lack intimacy.

in your direction which is nowhere headed to your plans and goals in life.

I say, take charge!

Opportunities are everywhere.

Sometimes, you just need to be courageous enough to grab them despite the fear.

Blessings will pour out when you start letting go and emptying yourself for better things.

You can’t be a mediocre forever!

Dare to soar and run after your dreams.

It can be messy and scary but as my favorite quote goes, “If you want something you’ve never had, then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done before.”

When feeling stuck and too comfortable, it’s high time to relocate!

Find a lovely place in your courage zone.

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Single Bliss

“You? Really?!”

That is the usual reaction every time I tell someone that at the age of 23, I am a member of the NBSB (No Boyfriend Since Birth) club.

They would roll their eyes in disbelief, expecting me to laugh my heart out any moment and tell them that it was all a big lie.

Of course, it’s not.

I marvel at the fact that society nowadays somehow dictates that a person must be in a relationship or else, she/he will be labeled as a loner.



Or worse, ugly.

I can’t help but guffaw at these beliefs.

Every time I am confronted with the question as to why I’m not in a romantic relationship, I just say, “I don’t need to be in one right now.”

And if the person probes deeper, I’ll just smile and help myself not get into a heated debate knowing that what I am saying might be uncommon to many.

“Yes, I have never been in a relationship.”

“Yes, I am very much happy and satisfied with my current state.”

“Yes, I do have suitors.”

“Yes, I fell in-love at one point.”

“Yes, I almost said ‘Yes’ to the wrong guy.”

“Yes, I’m not a rock, I do have feelings.”

“Yes, I do want to get married someday.”

“Yes, I am straight.”

Above are the usual answers I give to the most asked questions after someone learns about my infamous membership.

Sometimes, I find it even weird that after so much deliberation and me being on a hot seat, some people walk away still in disbelief.

Yes, someone like me hasn’t reached extinction, yet.

First, it’s not my priority as of the moment.

I want to enjoy my single life to the hilt and I can’t imagine doing that when half of my time, energy and emotion are being shared with someone.

I have the rest of my married life for that, thank you very much.

Second, I am willing to be shaped by God into the kind of woman He wants me to be.

Being single is a great time to work on myself more to become the best version of myself.

Third, I don’t want to settle.

I am willing to wait for God’s best for me.

I don’t simply say “Yes” to the first guy who makes me blush.

I don’t fret because everything is under control in God’s hands including my love life.

Yes, you read that right.

God is concerned about my love life.

Yours included.

Fourth, if ever I’ll be in a relationship with someone, I want him to be in it for the long haul and not because he’s bored, wants to have fun or just because everyone else is doing it.

So if you haven’t found your dream girl or prince charming yet, relax!

Don’t rush!

Can you do yourself a favor?

Please, please, stop wasting your time jumping from one dead-end relationship to another.

You’re just wasting your time, effort, money and hurting yourself in the long run.

Strive to live a life of no regrets.

Just take a moment to look around you.

Yes, just look around and you’ll realize that a lot of people are in need of your love, care, assistance and time.

Being single is an awesome opportunity to share your gifts to the world!

Be more active in your community.

Tutor some street kids.

Serve in the church.

Play with your younger siblings.

Spoil your pets.

Launch a campaign.

Volunteer in a charity.

Be a motivational speaker.

The possibilities are endless!

You see, being single doesn’t equate to being lonely.

Being single is a privilege not everyone has.

Being single is an exciting time to grow as an individual.

Travel and see the world.

Write a book.

Develop your talents.

Compose songs.

Write poems.

Start a blog.

Find a new hobby.

Develop amazing friendships.

Fulfill your bucket list.

Grow and wait productively so that when the right one comes along, you are happy, fulfilled and ready.

You cannot share what you don’t have.

Before you can be happy with someone else, you should own your happiness first.

Nothing is more attractive than someone who exudes contentment from within.

So don’t get frustrated when all of your friends are on a date on a Friday night or when February 14 creeps in and you’re still single.

Have fun, be patient and enjoy the journey.

Allow yourself to be found by love.


Trust that God is writing the best love story that would definitely be worth your wait.

Photo from Google.



I want to scream, to just back out

I’m so frustrated that I want to shout

I want to run away, to get out

To fly and soar without a doubt


Because to be who I am is my ambition

To head towards my own direction

To live a life with a mission

To run without fear or inhibition


I won’t give up, I will fly

I won’t believe a single lie

I won’t let my dreams just die

All the frustrations will soon run dry


The Voice of Truth I shall heed

I’ll listen intently despite the greed

Even with faith like a mustard seed

He shall supply my every need




Photo from google.

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